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Ms. Shirley Li

Ms. Shirley Li

Part-time Lecturer at HKU ICB, HR Director of a Fortune Global 500 company, Entrepreneurship CEO & Career Planning Coach

Teaching ProgrammePgDip in Strategic Human Resource Management
StreamHR Management

Ms Shirley Li has more than 20 years of experience in human resource management, having served as Group Human Resources Director in multinational group companies in different industries. She has rich practical experience in the planning and implementation of projects such as organizational development, change and reorganization, culture promotion, talent training and development, and professional practical experience in the establishment and implementation of human resource management systems, such as performance management system, total reward system, leadership and successor development system.

Shirley holds MBA degree from Centenary University, USA, ICF ACC Certified Coach, IPMA Certified Instructor, GCDF Global Career Planner, Hogan Assessment Certified Instructor, She is certified as a Towers Watson Global Job Rating System (GGS) grader and certified as a Mercer Compensation System. She is also a startup CEO coach, career planning coach, action learning and team coach.