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Ms. Ida Yuan

Ms. Ida Yuan

Part-time Lecturer at HKU ICB, former Head Novartis Corporate University Asia, Former Head of Talent and Learning at Shell China, EMBA from London Business School

Teaching ProgrammePgDip in Strategic Human Resource ManagementPgDip in Corporate Coaching and Leadership Development
StreamHR Management

Ms. Yuan Xiaoqin has almostly 30 years solid experience in big multinational companies, Specialization in TMOD and Leadership Development, enabling organization and leadership growth. And rich experience in change management, culture establishment, D&I, etc, strategically driving structural and behavioral development. 

She worked as a Senior leadership roles in big MNCs:
•    Head Novartis Corporate University – China and Asia
•    Talent Management Director – Bosch China
•    Talent & Learning Head – Shell China 
•    6 years international exposure in Shell London HQ (global roles in policy and process, DEI, learning, etc)

Ms. Yuan Xiaoqin holds a Dual degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, EMBA from London Business School, ICF ACC and multiple assessment certifications, Certifications for multiple assessment tools (Hogan, MBTI, HBDI, DiSC, StrengthFinder, EQi-2.0).