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Mr. Frank Wang

Mr. Frank Wang

Part-time Lecturer at HKU ICB, HRVP of VIPSHOP, The Chairman of CHO Peer Advisory Board of CCPIT-CSC

Teaching ProgrammePgDip in Strategic Human Resource ManagementPgDip in Corporate Coaching and Leadership Development
StreamHR Management

Nearly 23years HR management experience. Previously held important positions in human resource management at Fortune 500 companies such as Tesco, Lenovo, and China Resources. Who has rich practical experience in business integration, organizational change, and human resource system construction. There are certain methodological explorations in the fields of organizational governance, organizational capacity, institutional construction, and organizational culture construction.

Experienced the integration and restructuring of Lenovo and IBM, participated in the integration and reconstruction of Lenovo's diverse cultures. Participated in the commercial restructuring between CRV and Tesco, successfully designed and led the integration and transformation of Chinese and foreign corporate cultures. 

Create a model tool for organizational talent inventory - CMD (Capability Matching). Identify the relationship between organizational capabilities and organizational performance through talent density. Establish a system and tools for organizational health diagnosis to drive the level of organizational governance. Create a diagnostic tool for organizational culture and a cocoon breaking system and methodology for organizational culture. Created a mid to front system for HR, replacing the traditional three pillars and addressing the synergy, agility, and business driven aspects of the human resources system.