Ms Rosemarie Yau
Part-time Lecturer; Positive Psychology Coach & Trainer specializing in Workplace Wellbeing
Teaching Programme | PgDip in Managerial Psychology |
Stream | HR Management |
Rosemarie founded the Positive Psychology Practice Centre to promote the science behind Positive Psychology, from research to knowledge to work and life applications. She advocates lifelong learning, the cultivation of growth mindset in managers and leaders, and ways to improve the mental health and wellbeing of leaders and teams, in order to prolong their career/work life and optimize their potential for growth and success.
In the first half of her career, Rosemarie worked in multinational companies as Director of Communications at Nokia Greater China and Reader’s Digest Asia. She also worked in different management roles in Marketing and Public Affairs at British American Tobacco (BAT).
Rosemarie holds two Master Degrees, one in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) from Anglia Ruskin University (UK) and the other in Coaching and Mentoring from Oxford Brookes University (UK). She is also a Graduate of the Harvard Business School Executive Program, holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Positive Organizational Psychology and Leadership. Her education includes studying positive psychology under Ilona Boniwell and Tal Ben-Shahar. Her primary interest include positive midlife transformation, positive aging and coaching psychology. Her dissertation topics were “How can Positive Psychology Coaching Support Chinese Female Midlife Managers in Hong Kong?” & “How Executives, Professionals andManagers can Flourish at Work Using Strengths?”.