
香港大学 世界一流
香港大学创立于1911年,是香港历史最悠久的高等学府,也是国际上享有盛誉的高等院校。香港大学一直名列全球最负盛名的 25 所大学之一,在亚洲更是屡获第一排名。百年来,香港大学网罗众多精英学生,培养无数具备国际观的领袖,提供优质教学,从事卓越科研,始终走在世界顶级大学的前列。
Founded in 1911, the University of Hong Kong is the oldest higher learning institution in Hong Kong and an internationally renowned university. The University of Hong Kong is consistently ranked among the 25 most prestigious universities in the world and is repeatedly ranked first in Asia. Over the past century, HKU has recruited many elite students, cultivated countless leaders with international outlook, provided high-quality teaching, and engaged in excellent scientific research, and has always been at the forefront of the world's top universities.

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香港大学中国商业学院 |
香港大学中国商业学院(HKU Institute for China Business)成立于 2010 年,旨在促进中国商业文明发展,以中国智慧和全球思维探寻可持续的中国商业管理模式,以人为本开拓创新与现代化的中国商业教育,为改革和开放的中国培养具全球视野的中国商业管理人才。 香港大学中国商业学院是香港大学践行「为中国而立」创校宗旨的实际举措,已成为港大进入内地培养跨学科专业管理人才的先驱。学院面向企业家、创业者和经理人,注重课程的专业性、前瞻性、实战性和实效性;强调社会责任、创新精神、明辨思维与互动学习,系统地建构学员的专业深度、知识广度和未来高度;迄今已培养两万多名中国商业管理人才,遍布各行各业。 面对變化不定的世界新格局与地缘政治,创新永远是不确定的时代里最好的反脆弱战略。香港大学中国商业学院在原有的专业课程及高管课程基础上,踏上新征程,发展ESG中心课程、家族办公室中心课程及跨学科的PPES(哲学、政治、经济与科学)全球访问学人课程。学院将持续秉持开放的传统,突破思想围墙,赋能专业协作,汇集学界名师和业界精英,拓展创新视野,努力成为中国发展和世界进步的推动者。 The HKU Institute for China Business was established in 2010 with the aim of promoting the development of Chinese business culture. By integrating Chinese wisdom and global perspectives, the Institute seeks sustainable business management models tailored to China. It focuses on people-oriented, innovative, and modern business education, training Chinese business management professionals with a global vision to support China's reform and opening-up. The HKU Institute for China Business is a practical step in fulfilling the founding mission of the University of Hong Kong, "Establishing for China". It has become a pioneer in training interdisciplinary professional management talents in mainland China. The Institute targets entrepreneurs, founders, and managers, emphasizing professionalism, foresight, practicality, and effectiveness in its courses. It stresses social responsibility, innovative spirit, critical thinking, and interactive learning, systematically developing students' professional depth, knowledge breadth, and future potential. To date, it has trained over 20,000 Chinese business management professionals across various industries. In the face of the new world pattern and geopolitics, innovation is always the best anti-fragile strategy in uncertain times. HKU ICB has embarked on a new journey to develop ESG programmes, Family Office programmes and an interdisciplinary PPES (Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Science) global fellowship programme, based on the on-the-job professional and senior executive programmes. The School will continue to become a propeller for the development of China and the betterment of the world through intellectual breakthrough and cross-profession collaboration by upholding the tradition of openness and bringing together renowned academics and industry elites. |