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Dr. Joy Shen

Dr. Joy Shen

Part-time Lecturer at HKU ICB, Chief Strategic Advisor of Weiling Technology, Marketing Advisor of Bund Board

Teaching ProgrammePgDip in Growth Management for Smart Retail and B2B
StreamMarketing Management

Ms Shen has been serving as the Chief Strategic Advisor of Weiling Technology (a CRM SaaS software company) and the Marketing Advisor of Bund Board since 2021. She is committed to using Silicon Valley's advanced marketing methodology and AI technology to standardize and streamline the marketing system processes of Chinese B2B companies, thereby making their performance predictable and doubling their growth.

Ms Shen served as product image/digital marketing/CRM manager of Shanghai General Motors Co., Ltd., director of Jeep media/CRM/brand/ecological marketing, her working experience has covered almost the entire field of automotive marketing. Meanwhile, she also has been invited as a judger of various advertising awards, such as Effie, Huxiao, Media 360, etc.

Since 2016, she has been advocating the "hyperlinked ecological marketing" theory and putting it into practice.  She also gives marketing lectures at Peking University and Communication University of China, and the case of Jeep ecological marketing was introduced in the book "Marketing Breakthrough".

Ms Shen graduated from the School of Journalism Fudan University with a bachelor's degree, then obtained an MBA degree from Cambridge University, and a Ph.D. in Communication from the School of Journalism Fudan University.