
翁健先生 Mr Kin Yung
建银国际金融有限公司企业融资部董事 香港上市签字保荐人, 香港证监会1号牌及6号牌的负责人员, 拥有伦敦商学院金融学硕士学位, 香港中文大学工商管理学(主修会计)学士学位, 香港会计师公会会员(HKICPA)及澳洲会计师公会会员(CPA Australia)
模块 | 上市筹划及管理 |
翁先生现为建银国际金融有限公司企业融资部董事,为香港上市签字保荐人(Signing Principal),香港证监会1号牌及6号牌的负责人员(Responsible Officer)。翁先生具有丰富的上市保荐经验曾经参与上市保荐项目包括花房集团(3611.HK)、中原建业(9982.HK)、星盛商业(6668.HK)、德信服务集团(2215.HK)、渤海银行(9668.HK)、贵州银行(6199.HK)、大发地产(6111.HK)、江西银行(1916.HK)、正荣地产(6158.HK)、华润医药(3320.HK)、天津银行(1578.HK)、锦州银行(416.HK)等等 。
翁先生拥有伦敦商学院(London Business School)金融学硕士学位,香港中文大学工商管理学(主修会计)学士学位,是香港会计师公会会员(HKICPA)及澳洲会计师公会会员(CPA Australia)。
Mr. Yung is currently a Director of the corporate finance division at CCB International Capital Limited (“CCBI”). He serves as a Signing Principal for Hong Kong IPOs and is a RO (Responsible Officer) for the Type 1 and Type 6 licenses issued by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC).
Mr. Yung has extensive experience in IPO sponsorships and has been involved in various IPO projects, including Huafang Group Inc. (3611.HK), Central China Management Co., Ltd (9982.HK), E-Star Commercial Management Co., Ltd (6668.HK), Dexin Services Group Limited (2215.HK), China Bohai Bank Co., Ltd (9668.HK), Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd (6199.HK), DaFa Properties Group Limited (6111.HK), Jiangxi Bank Co., Ltd (1916.HK), Zhenro Properties Group Limited (6158.HK), China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Limited (3320.HK), Bank of Tianjin Co., Ltd (1578.HK), Bank of Jinzhou Co., Ltd (416.HK), etc.
Prior to joining CCBI, Mr. Yung accumulated valuable experience in investment banking, finance, and accounting. He worked at Deloitte Hong Kong, where he actively participated in auditing and forensic accounting. Subsequently, he transitioned to the Hong Kong Jockey Club, focusing on financial analysis and risk management. Additionally, he held positions in a multinational company listed in Singapore, specializing in investment management, financial analysis, and advisory work. Throughout his career, he has acquired extensive expertise in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, finance, accounting, and auditing.
Mr. Yung has been admitted to the Masters in Finance in London Business School and Bachelor of Business Administration (Accounting) in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and CPA Australia.