

John Stoddard先生 Mr John Stoddard

John Stoddard先生 Mr John Stoddard



John Stoddard先生是设计思维和商业教育的著名专家,他曾任丹麦奥尔堡大学建筑设计学院客座教授,现任美国旧金山大学管理学院副教授,并同时为丹麦哥本哈根附近的丹麦技术大学行政商务学院副教授。

直至2014年, Stoddard先生在一所全球设计和创新公司 (IDEO) 担任的高级设计师。 这一角色给了他丰富的经验,帮助客户面对业务及战略挑战,并创造突破性创新策略,屡获殊荣的设计。

Stoddard 先生曾担任国际设计和创新企业 IDEO的高级设计师, 这个工作岗位令他在帮助客户解决商业挑战的过程中获得丰富经验, 并创造很多屡获殊荣的创新战略。约翰老师主要负责美国、韩国和中国的项目,为客户设计产品和设计思维策略。他曾经合作过的客户包括三星、 思科、北大方正、华为、诺华公司、惠普、Steelcase、松下、礼来、宝洁和美敦力公司等。

Stoddard先生在伦敦皇家艺术学院获得工业设计硕士学位。 他是特许设计师协会的会员,也是美国工业设计学会的国际会员。

Taking an active role in design and business education, John Stoddard served as Visiting Professor at Aalborg University School of Architecture and Design, Denmark until 2012, and taught at Samsung SADI Institute, Seoul. He is Adjunct Professor at the University of San Francisco School of Management, and on the Faculty at Danish Technical University Executive Business School near Copenhagen, Denmark.

Until 2014, John served as Senior Designer at IDEO, the global design and innovation firm. That role granted him a wide range of experience helping clients face business challenges and create innovative strategies for breakthrough, award-winning designs.

After leading design at IDEO in London, he joined the firm’s team in Palo Alto in 1997, where he headed design projects on products and services for clients in the USA, Korea and China. John has led projects for startup and corporate clients, including Samsung, Cisco, Founder, Huawei, Novartis, Hewlett Packard, Steelcase, Panasonic, Eli Lilly, Procter & Gamble, and Medtronic. Education and Professional Status

John received his Masters in Industrial Design at the Royal College of Art in London. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers and an International Member of the Industrial Design Society of America.